1. Cell phone transaction entry. An icon (like an app) will appear on your phone home screen. Actually it’s not an app. It is just a link to a Google Form. To design your form follow instructions inside Moneyble.xlsm file. The form will have your accounts, budget categories and your frequently used vendors to choose from or you can enter the vendor as you enter the transaction.
Requires free Google account (which most people already have)

2. Bank statement import. This can be used to gather all recent transactions from your bank(s) in one central place with your budget categories. Looking at transactions from last 6-12 months may reveal some interesting facts about your spending habits. You can also periodically import transactions this way to eliminate manual entry. See video

3. Subscriptions that generate transactions based on schedule – utility bills, mortgage, car loan, etc. Depending on your spending habits this may significantly reduce manual transaction entry. Subscription transactions are approved/generated with a single click.

Also, upcoming subscriptions generate your cash flow forecast. You will see not only how much money you have right now but also how much you will have on any given day within a month.

Seeing all your subscriptions/monthly bills in one place is another added benefit. We all occasionally subscribe to something that we later realize we do not need.

4. This template comes with a custom ribbon with buttons that speed up most common actions like: Add new transactions, Delete, Move transactions Up or Down, etc. Formulas are automatically copied down with a single click. This is just part of Moneyble.xlsm file. You don’t need to install additional plug-ins.

If you have used Excel as a tracking tool – you know this can be a major pain. One formula gets out of sync somewhere. And you are spending hours looking for the bad spot. This template solves this problem.

Also key formulas are cross-checked. Example: Transaction grand totals and the last transaction rolling total produce the same result but are calculated differently. If the cell values do not match – you know there is a formula problem somewhere. This is Excel – you have to have safeguards to ensure data integrity. Really the goal here is to make money tracking enjoyable by eliminating confusion and providing convenient and fast ways to enter and analyze data.

Hint: Round transactions to the nearest $5 or whatever makes sense to you in your currency. This will speed up transaction entry and will produce cleaner monthly data. Bank statement import can also round up transactions automatically (see Import sheet in Moneyble.xlsm)

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