No matter how many apps for personal finance we develop – most people use Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. Excel is flexible. You can easily add a column or two, change your budget categories, mass update data, etc. But Excel has its downsides too. We are on a mission to solve this.

We offer an Excel template for family budget and spending tracking. Most common actions are automated with Excel macros. Google Form is linked to this Excel for on-the-go expense entry.

  • I don’t keep receipts (unless I have to submit for reimbursement).
  • I have not missed a single transaction in 15 years.
  • I open Excel only once a week. Sometimes once a month.

I know everything I want to know about my spending habits, my income, money for my big goals, how much and when I can invest. When I want to know more – I just build a new pivot table or graph. Because all of my financial data is in Excel. 😊

Choose from 4 methods to enter transactions in Excel:

Main features:

If you track small business expenses – you can use 2 separate Excel files with 2 different Google Forms for each. Or you can create a copy of the Transactions sheet inside single file.

You need Microsoft Excel for Windows or Mac to use this template. This template uses macros for automations. At the moment macros are not supported on Excel for iOS or Android. So it has to be Excel for Windows or Mac. If you do not have Excel – check out our Windows Desktop app (link to Windows app page).

And yes. This template is free for personal use. No ads, no trial versions. If you like it and you want to say Thank You – please send me an e-mail at support @

And yes. This template is free for personal use. No ads, no trial versions. If you like it and you want to say Thank You – please consider supporting this project by becoming a sponsor on Patreon. Subscribe to our Youtube channel and like our videos – this helps us tremendously.